Department of tool design, manufacturing and repair shop

Tool design, manufacturing and repair shop

Tool design and manufacturing

With toolmaking as part of our range of services, we not only have an enormous manufacturing depth in the production of components, but also offer our customers the design and construction of the tools in addition to the jointly designed component.

We also consider our toolmaking as a way of supplying our foundry. When tool repairs, tool changes or spare parts are needed quickly, we are able to deliver the tools with short response times.

To produce our complex components for office furniture made from plastics, aluminum, ZAMAK and polyurethane we mainly rely on self-constructed tools like dies, injection molds, blow molds, cutting forming tools and any kind of jinks and fixtures.

The ability of making and trying out the die at the same place gives us the necessary flexibility for the manufacturing of the dies and the parts' production.

The equipment is mentioned below:

  • Vertical machining center 1650 Χ 1350 Χ 800 mm with 2 spindles 3 and 5 axis high speed
  • 2 vertical machining centers 3 axis at 1000 mm at Χ axis high speed
  • 2 EDM CNC with tool changing
  • 1 wire erosion machine 800 Χ 800 Χ 400 mm
  • 1 NC lathe working length 1500 mm
  • 1 vertical 3 axis deep hole drilling machine
  • Conventional machines (lathe, milling machine, radial, grinding machine)
  • 1 try out and spotting press
  • 1 Deep hole drilling machine

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Tool repair shop

Tool availability is a key factor in competition – both in injection molding and in die-casting technology. To maintain this availability, scheduled maintenance, tool repair and modifications and optimization of injection molds are all part of our range of services. We carry out all repairs and maintenance work on your tools.

For small jobs on your premises or extensive work here in our factory, we maintain continuous capacity to keep your production downtimes as short as possible. Replacement cores and fittings are prefabricated to your wishes and can be installed in the tools as required.

Our integrated concept in the production and repair of die-cast components pays off for our customers in several respects. The sensible chaining of downstream production steps guarantees maximum process reliability and high transparency in process control. By offering the entire process as a system provider from a single source, we achieve the shortest possible turnaround times. This reduces costs and unnecessary losses.

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Rapid prototyping

Laser sintering

To reduce time and costs in the development phase, DROMEAS supplies ‘rapid prototyping’ pieces that allow for realistic advance checks before moving on to series tooling.

The laser sintering technology provides rapid prototypes that are the working representations of the most complex designs. Laser sintered prototypes can be subjected to functional testing.

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